Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What a forever memory feels like...

What's on your list of forever memories?
You know, those memories that will stay with you for all time.

I'm sure that I have more than I think I do, but this last weekend added one of the best.
See? Jen has it easy. She gets to feel my little girl kick and twitch and do somersaults, but baby's still too small for me to feel. I've seen pregnancy test sticks, I've seen pictures, I've watched ultrasound video, but nothing can compare to replacing my prized "high-five" picture (see the pictures) with the real thing!

Ok, not exactly the real thing. Mk1's not out of the launcher yet, but she did give daddy's hand a bump on Sunday night.

It's like crack. Just the one time, and all I want to do is press my hand harder against Jen's belly just to feel another bump. Of course, that's when Jen says enough - right before I cause permanent bruising or a bladder accident!

I might forget the way we had the living room set up; I might forget the movie that we were watching while laying on the couch (it was Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist); but I'll never forget that first little brush against my hand.

60.67% baby :)
and we're less than 10 million seconds!!!
(9, 515,000 to go...)

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